Sunday, January 25, 2009

In the workplace...

For several years I have been designing the most epic location in science fiction history.

Soon, I get to unveil it. We finally near the broken sun.

I'm very excited.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One last ride on the old penny-farthing...

The studio pauses to pay respects. Patrick McGoohan died today.

The Prisoner was an inescapable influence on many of us. I know it was for me. Mister McGoohan didn't just star in the show, he helped create it.

I bid you a heartfelt farewell, Number Six.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year indeed.

I finished up the book 2 rewrites last night and moved forward, into uncharted ground.

I'm so fucking happy to be done with the repairs. I hate rewriting.

It's such a pain to go through scenes you like, that just aren't threaded right, and rework them. I'm here for the blank page, generally speaking. But it had to be done, and it all came out fairly well. The new versions are more organic, and hopefully more interesting to read.

So yes, 2009, I slid in through the closing hatch. Mostly by accident. It's still great to be here.

Now I have to go kill a few billion people and find several alien voices for my ridiculously convoluted narrative.