Saturday, February 14, 2009

Get Doogie Hauser on the phone.

I'm not a huge Joss Whedon fan. Firefly was cool. Most of his other stuff leaves me cringing. Nevertheless, I learned something this week watching his new show - Dollhouse.

I learned that I'm incredibly glad I quit writing television scripts. Joss Whedon has single handedly convinced me that was a brilliant move.

Why? Well, look at the whole scene around Dollhouse. Look at Herr Whedon.

He's arguably the most famous television writer. Ever. And what does it get him?

Nothing. Just nothing.

Dollhouse premiered twelve hours ago and already the cancellation buzz has started up. Apparently the show is on Fridays because any other day would have meant "three strikes and you're out". Without fantastic ratings, it was likely to be axed after three or so episodes. So they put it on Friday, where there is less pressure to perform. Still the talk of doom is pervasive.

If I'd written and created as many shows as Joss has, and had that little professional clout, I'd be shopping for a new medium.

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